
To My Web Universe !

If anyone can pretend knowing everything,

let's share knowledge and learn together ...

What can you do here ?

  • Read my publications and take informations
  • Click where you want to learn at you rythm

You will know what is right, what is wrong when you will consolidate your knowledge ..Truth is absolutely logical !

  • Strong IT International Consultant 
  • Social & Politics Medias NetCom News
  • CE Great Public - Bridging Activities Change Management. 

CE Grand Public

CE des Indépendants et Micor-Entreprises

En savoir plus ... 

Parrainage - Sponsorship

10 to 50 % Off

EC Great Public

CE for Freelancers and Small Business

Know more ...

So, what i've learned about Myself ?

Nationality : French

Place of Birth : VN

Precisely, we have stopped the Hospital naturalization

Origine : 


Leaderships : Politics & many fields


Now, what's New ?

New Monarchic Status

Some other places I've visited...

My Techno & Space History

My Space History

Australia-New Zealand




Fashion - My latest creation 

A 7 peaces customizable dress


Free new and used Clothes and Cosmetics 

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