- Local Owner, Local Monarchy, Mutiple inheritance
- Title and SubTitle
- New Monarchic Status
Principles periods :
- Monarchic history : 4000 years ++
- At about 3273 years ago, some countries started to remove their common King part to find independance for their countries with local marriages
- 1000 years ago, the Rose princess got married with a nuke husband mistaken with the graduated dead
Same biology inheritance is same order.
The Monarch can choose any child having the same biology inheritance to continue as Monarch. Other childrens stay Monarchic to help governing.
The choice must be made by merit, whatever the order.
The last hierarchical level is State to stop division of the country into smaller peaces.
Australia is the name of the country but also the name of the Continent.
The Federal Continent is composed by 4 countries :
- Papua
- Australia
- New Zealand
- The Islands Union
Queensland / Queensland
Some films to watch ...
"The thorn Birds" (Les oiseaux se cachent pour mourir" en Français)
is the most recent film played by American actors
Common History with Asia (about 1000 years ago) played by Asian actors
Common History with Middle East Troy played by Australian and American actors
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